ARLEO’s Mission Statement
“Enhancing Your Future Beyond the Badge”
A Law Enforcement Officer is NEVER fully Retired. We at ARLEO, understand this to be true because that’s who we are, Retired Law Enforcement Officers. We will provide a resource for Legal Protection for those who have risked their lives every day to Protect others. We offer the Legal Support You Deserve and the ability to Monetarily Enjoy a Healthy and Fulfilling Life after a LEO puts away their Shield. We know who You are and You will Always be there to Protect…
Join as Retired I.U.P.A. Member
$60 the first year for Retiring or Retired I.U.P.A. Members with Sponsorship Program provided by Your Local and the I.U.P.A.
Please reach out to your I.U.P.A. local leader/president for more information and to see if they are participating.
*(Not all Locals are participating in the Sponsorship program; please check with your Local prior to signing up). Otherwise, the cost is $180.00 annually.

Here at ARLEO …
This program will continue to offer many (or more) association benefits that you enjoyed during your active Law Enforcement years. Just because you’ve retired, you should not lose the incredible benefits and perks your active law enforcement associations provided during your active years.
Click on the links below to see some of the major benefits and discounts you as members of ARLEO can obtain.
A Message from the President

Hero Fest At Harley Davidson
I.U.P.A. Local Sebastian Police Officers Association, #6053 Members participated in Hero Fest at Space Coast Harley Davidson. They manned a booth at the event and showed off Sebastian Police Department’s brand-new armored vehicle to the [...]
13 Ways to Protect Yourself From Fraud
Scams are rampant these days, with criminals stealing a reported $10 billion from Americans in 2023, according to the Federal Trade Commission. But there are ways to protect yourself, including staying up on the latest schemes and [...]
Hero Spotlight: WACOPS Heroes
I.U.P.A. Local Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs Law Enforcement Associates, #27 awarded four officers this year with the Mark Brinkman Distinguished Service Award. A video of the event can be viewed here. Officer Jacob Schrader [...]
Photos of the Week: Lawton Officers Teaching Motorcycle Safety
I.U.P.A. Local Lawton Police Officers Assn., #24 Members taught Lawton, Oklahoma citizens how to use motorcycles safely for FREE! The class has taken place on numerous Saturdays and is so popular that classes fill up [...]
What the Inflation Reduction Act Could Mean for Your Next Appliance Purchase
The Inflation Reduction Act could help save you money if you’re replacing a kitchen appliance. The landmark program, which runs through 2032, includes rebates and tax credits for bigger purchases, such as energy-efficient heat pumps and electric vehicles. But [...]