The Definitive Guide to Adapting Your Fitness Routine for Every Phase of Life
When it comes to physical fitness, “aging gracefully” doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have the moves of a ballerina (or moves like Jagger) in your later years. As we’re all aware, the body has increasing limitations the older it gets. Still, the hurdles that come with exercising as you age don’t have to keep you from maintaining a healthy, satisfying workout routine. If you’re facing age-related impediments to fitness, don’t throw [...]
Do You Believe These Three Common Retirement Myths?
When making retirement plans, it's crucial to have a realistic picture of how to meet your future income needs. Unfortunately, many people end up believing common myths that lead to underestimating the amount they'll need saved and overestimating the help they'll get in covering expenses. You don't want to be one of them, so make sure you know the truth about these three common retirement myths.
5 Techniques to Overcome Financial Stress Caused by COVID-19
Beginning in February 2020, America, Canada, and Europe locked down cities, closed businesses, and halted travel amidst the onset of COVID-19. Nearly a year later, we’re still experiencing the pandemic’s global impact in our communities. A record number of people have applied for unemployment in America since March, and millions are still left jobless, behind on their bills, or struggling to make ends meet. If your hours were reduced, your spouse lost [...]
How Can I Have Fun in Retirement? 30 Fun Things To Do
Now you’re retired you might ask yourself: how can I have fun in retirement? Well, you have come to the right place! In this article, I’ve listed 30 fun things to do in retirement to give you inspiration and ideas for your fun retirement days. You can have fun in retirement when you find something you enjoy doing. Having fun is a thing that makes you lose track of time, [...]
5 Social Security Secrets for Even Bigger Checks
Pop quiz! How big is the average Social Security retirement benefit? Do you know? Want to guess? It was recently $1,559 per month -- or about $18,700 per year. If that doesn't sound like a lot to you, you're right -- it isn't. Consider, for example, that the Federal Poverty Level threshold for individuals in 2021 is just $12,880, and the threshold for couples is $17,420 -- not far from that [...]
Six factors that make your used car more desirable
Whether you’re selling to a private party or to the dealership, you always want to get the maximum value from your current vehicle. But what are the factors that make some used cars more desirable than the rest? Here are six of the most important factors that come into play. What Is the Vehicle’s Condition? Everyone wants a used car in the best condition possible—it’s usually the first thing a [...]