Do It Yourself Retirement Savings Require A Reliable, Knowledgeable Partner

The internet can be quite a useful yet massively confusing place. Searching for instructional videos on saving for retirement with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) generates more than 450,000 hits. That is a lot of information. It is also way too much information for people who have regular jobs as hair dressers, dentists, home care aides, restaurant attendants and wedding planners, among millions of others. Yet, many of these workers [...]

August 27th, 2021|

August Market Preview

If you feel like you are walking through a fog as it relates to markets – welcome to August. Often the slowest month of the year, it blends into September in a way where it feels like it lasts about six weeks instead of four. Playing into the slow feel of August, July ended with roughly $19 trillion held by consumers outside the stock market meaning that consumers are not [...]

August 27th, 2021|

Pandemic Puts Secure Retirement at Greater Risk for Many Older Americans

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an outsize effect on people 50 and older: Not only did it impact older adults’ health more severely than younger ones, but it also forced many into early retirement and prompted others to take withdrawals from their savings earlier than they had planned. “So many of our members saw loss of employment,” AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins said August 18 on Washington Post Live. “We know that if you're [...]

August 25th, 2021|

Want to retire early? Move to one of these 10 countries

A new analysis of global working trends shows that the retirement age is gradually getting older, but depending on where you live, your golden years might be even farther away than you think. Compare the Market, a comparison website, recently complied data on how retirement compares in countries around the world. Unfortunately, the United States is ranked 27th. The average age of retirement is 66 years old, which is currently [...]

August 25th, 2021|

Here’s a retirement dilemma: Pay off the house first or refinance?

Dear Liz: My husband and I are retired, with enough income from our pensions and Social Security to cover our modest needs, plus additional money in retirement accounts. We have owned our home for 35 years but refinanced several times and still have 15 years to go on a 20-year mortgage. With rates so low, we were contemplating refinancing to a 15-year mortgage just for the overall savings on interest, [...]

August 24th, 2021|
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