The 6 Best Exercises for Arthritis, According to Experts
If you have arthritis pain, exercising might be the last thing on your mind—but regular exercise can not only improve your symptoms, it can also help prevent future pain from occurring. That's because pain and lack of movement work in a cycle—one can cause the other.
Early Retirement Health Insurance: What You Should Know
Affordable health insurance is one of the biggest obstacles preventing people from early retirement. The health insurance gap from retirement to Medicare starting at age 65 can be expensive for those who do not have retiree health insurance provided to them by a former employer. The reason health insurance is frequently expensive for many people has less to do with the health insurance and more to do with poor planning. [...]
How Much Do You Need to Retire Comfortably?
Many people work hard for the majority of their life in order to reach a retirement where they can relax, travel and find time to do things that they truly enjoy. Everyone has different goals for retirement, and nobody knows how long they will live, so how much do you need in order to live comfortably during your post-work years? While every retiree has a different lifestyle and vision for [...]
Best Ways to Generate Tax-Free Income in Retirement: Think About This Stuff Now
Nothing feels more deflating than having to pay taxes on every penny you've ever saved and invested. If you have the wherewithal to think about how you'd like to receive your retirement income in advance, good for you. It'll benefit you down the road, big time! Let's take a look at a few foolproof ways to not pay taxes (er… at least on the back end) when you're retired. The [...]
As the Coronavirus Continues in 2021, Avoid These 7 Retirement Mistakes
The COVID-19 pandemic hit hard in early 2020, and it continues to remain top-of-mind in 2021. Whether you’ve just recently retired, or it’s coming up in the next few years, it’s likely the virus has brought about some financial uncertainty regarding your readiness for retirement. Before making any sudden changes, it’s important to remain rational and avoid these seven big retirement mistakes below. Mistake #1: Neglecting Your Emergency Fund No word described [...]
5 Ways to Avoid Exercise Injuries After 50
While staying safe at a gym took on a whole new meaning during the pandemic, if you're thinking about getting back to a fitness regimen this summer, you'll be wise to consider the more pedestrian dangers involving treadmills and bench presses — especially if you're over 50. Exercise-related visits to the ER topped 107,000 for those 50 and older in 2020, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission — and that [...]