How to discover your best spending rate in retirement
After saving up for decades to retire, many Americans are excited to finally stop working and enjoy their free time. Yet for some, switching to a spending mindset after being so focused on saving can be a difficult transition. “There’s a lot of unknows and if there hasn’t been detailed planning or a high-level overview, someone might enter retirement with a lot of stress and anxiety,” said Anjali Jariwala, certified [...]
Small Businesses That You Can Do in Retirement
If you’re looking to create a new income stream in retirement, you’ve got no shortage of options. You can become a franchisee, for example, and open up your own location of a branded restaurant — as long as you have hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest and the net worth to back it up. You’ll read a lot about starting a blog or freelancing on Fiverr, but statistically, the chances [...]
FINANCE | How does Social Security fit into retirement?
Here’s something to think about: You could spend two, or even three, decades in retirement. To meet your income needs for all those years, you’ll generally need a sizable amount of retirement assets. How will Social Security fit into the picture? For most people, Social Security won’t be enough to cover the cost of living in retirement. Nonetheless, Social Security benefits are still valuable, so you’ll want to do whatever [...]
Starting Fresh: Older adults find new ventures after retirement
For most of us, retirement means slowing down and enjoying what’s familiar and comfortable. That’s not true of everyone, however. There are older adults who have an enterprising spirit that kicks in and keeps going well after their mid-60s. Atlanta Senior Life found four of them nearby and profiled them in a recent series of articles.
How to Generate Tax-Efficient Retirement Income
You know the importance of saving enough money for retirement so that you have readily available sources of funds to augment your guaranteed income from Social Security and any pensions. But did you also know that how you go about converting your assets into income can have significant tax implications? Maximize Retirement Savings Flexibility Developing a tax-aware withdrawal strategy starts with diversifying the various types of accounts you own. Ideally, [...]
The 3 greatest threats to your retirement today
Do you hope to retire in the next five years? Fasten your seatbelts and place your tray tables in an upright and locked position, because you could be in for a perfect storm of events that no other generation has faced before. Below are three significant threats that could jeopardize your financial security in retirement.