3 New Surveys Show How Student Loan Debt is Crippling 401k Contributions

Student loan debt, that mortal enemy of retirement savings, is showing no signs of slowing its assault on workers ability to contribute (or contribute more) to their 401k.A trio of new surveys illustrate the hardships student loan debt is causing would-be retirement savers.TIAA and MIT AgeLab’s study, “Student Loan Debt: The Multigenerational Effects on Relationships and Retirement,” found the overwhelming majority of respondents with student loans (84%) say their debt [...]

August 14th, 2019|

7 Retirement Tips To Manage Savings And Stretch Your Money

People are living longer, which means the years spent in retirement are, too. But do you have enough money saved to live a long, healthy, fulfilled retirement? I don’t believe in “skimp saving” or changing your lifestyle, so here are seven tips to help make your income work for you through retirement.Watch out for fees. You’d be shocked to see how much of your retirement can go to administrative fees. [...]

August 5th, 2019|

Are you confident about your retirement savings? That could be dangerous

Preparing for retirement is tricky, and it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifices to be able to save enough to enjoy your golden years comfortably.Despite the challenges of accumulating enough savings to retire comfortably, 38% of retirees say they felt either extremely or very confident in their savings before they retired, according to a poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

August 2nd, 2019|

5 Reasons To Think Twice About Early Retirement

Early retirement is a goal of some people and a dream of many. There’s a lot of appeal to the idea of being financially independent and leaving the work force when we’re still young enough to engage in a wide range of activities. Early retirement can mean living wherever you want and doing what you want for a long time.

August 1st, 2019|

How technology fits into a Baby Boomers retirement planning

TechnologyOpens a New Window. is beginning to play an important part in Baby Boomers retirement planningOpens a New Window..  Smart phones  and the internet not only keep you in touch with family and friends, but digital wealth is quickly becoming the future of financial planning for your golden years.

July 31st, 2019|

27 keys to retiring from police work ‘undefeated’

“It is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.” As a police trainer I have always understood the sentiment in this oft-repeated quote, but have strongly felt that it sets the bar too low.I prefer, “It is better to be applauded by twelve than carried by six.” When you strive daily to look, talk, act, fight and win like a professional, you increase your odds of retiring undefeated. Too many [...]

July 30th, 2019|
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