
Supporting police officers after retirement: Best practices in developing tailored workshops

Many retiring law enforcement officers struggle with a loss of identity and loss of purpose as they transition from figures of institutional authority to everyday civilians. Retiring officers face challenges beyond not knowing where to go to collect pension checks, maintain health insurance for their families and resume writing. Reconnecting with and establishing a role within [...]

November 13th, 2023|

8 Tips for Protecting Your Retirement Savings Online

You protect your social media accounts and bank accounts online, but have you considered how you can protect your retirement savings account? As part of Internet Safety Awareness Month, here are 8 tips to help you reduce the risk of fraud or loss to your retirement account: Register, set up, and regularly monitor an online [...]

November 13th, 2023|

Photos of the Week: Medals of Valor and Purple Heart

Lawton Police Department shared about officers from their department who are also I.U.P.A. Local Lawton Police Officers Association members who received Medals of Valor and the Purple Heart in Oklahoma. The department post read, “The Lawton Police Department would like to recognize and congratulate Lt. John Bordelon, Officer Ney, and Detectives M. Powers and J. [...]

November 7th, 2023|

5 Fun Exercises for Seniors

Staying active when you’re older can seem like a chore. But if you choose the right activity, you might just start to love it. The bonus? When you enjoy your exercise routine, you're more likely to continue. “Exercise doesn't have to be boring. And your exercise journey does not have to look like someone else’s. [...]

November 1st, 2023|

Hero Spotlight: Deputy Eric Blake

Deputy Eric Blake has recently retired with twenty-six years of service from the Broward Sheriff’s Office. His latest assignment was as a School Resource Deputy in Parkland BSO where the students loved him so much that they created, “Deputy Blake Day” to celebrate his positive impact on them. The Broward Deputy Sheriffs Association, I.U.P.A. Local [...]

August 3rd, 2023|

Who am I now? Building a new life in retirement

I have crossed a line. This line separates an active career from a life of not getting up at any specific time, having my coffee wherever I want it, taking lunch when and where I want to, and busying myself with projects I choose, rather than those others have prioritized for me. I have crossed [...]

August 3rd, 2023|

7 Early Retirement Health Insurance Options to Consider

If you find yourself without health insurance due to early retirement, filling in your coverage gap is essential. Going without health insurance can have devastating consequences for your finances and your health. Read on to find out how to protect yourself and mitigate cos

June 13th, 2023|
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